ENSV VetAgro-Sup, Marcy l’Etoile, June 22, 2018: during nearly three weeks (June 19th – July 5th 2018) 19 participants from 14 countries (Argentina, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Cameroon, Hong Kong, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Malaysia, Uganda, Philippines, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine) will familiarize themselves with animal health and welfare issues affecting trade between European Union and third countries.
The course will provide a scientific and technical update on surveillance and epidemiological trends of relevant animal communicable diseases (including TADs such as Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, African swine fever and Bluetongue). Participants will improve capacity to build and strengthen European and international networks of stakeholders involved in formulating sanitary (and welfare) measures governing the trade in animals and related products from and toward the European Union.
They will furthermore become more familiar with the regulations and know-how that Intergovernmental and European animal health and welfare institutions provide.
Week 1: Framework and concepts (lectures, work in groups and case studies)
Week 2: Tools for animal health and welfare assessment and management (lectures, case studies, field visits)
Week 3: International and European governance (European study trip: Geneva, Brussels and Paris).
Additional information : http://www.ensv.fr/residential-course/
With financial support from MAA (French Ministry of Agriculture and Food) and FVI (France Vétérinaire International)
(Photos, courtesy of Dr Chia-Jung Lee)