On October 15, the second module “Emergency Risk Management” of the online e-CERISE course (online Continuing Education for veteRInary Services) Will be launched.
E-CERISE is a online capacity-building programme for the training of veterinary officials, created by ENSV within the network of OIE Collaborating Centres, in association with the EISMV (Ecole Inter Etats des Sciences et Médecine Vétérinaires de Dakar) and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Montreal (Saint-Hyacinthe, Canada). This training programme for officials veterinarians is based on the OIE PVS Pathway and has the goal of strengthening veterinary services.
>The “Emergency Risk Management” module introduces the core principles of Emergency Risk Management. It also provides additional background to give a better understanding of the international standards of the OIE that are related to emergencies. The ongoing challenge in this field is to broaden our focus from a restricted interpretation of response and recovery, moving toward a more proactive approach which emphasises preparedness in order to make response and recovery more timely and effective.
Photographie : avec la courtoisie de Dorine Fernandez